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Crafting a Comprehensive Website Scope of Work: A Guide for Success
Creating a website is not just about designing web pages and adding content. It’s a comprehensive process that demands meticulous planning, thoughtful strategy, and effective execution. Whether you’re a seasoned web developer or a business owner venturing into the digital realm, the success of your website project hinges on a well-structured plan. In this comprehensive…
Understanding Audience Needs: Unveiling Through Research
Importance of audience understanding in website development In the ever-evolving digital landscape, understanding your audience has become the cornerstone of effective website development. The better you know your users, their needs, and their preferences, the more successful your website will be in delivering a seamless experience. This is where the concept of the “user journey…
Plan to delight the users
This week I read a blog from Seth Godin called The minimum viable audience which resonated with me and the goals and audience section inside my Planning Guide. He talks about focussing in on the smallest group that could sustain you in your work. And if you could pick them who would you choose. If…
Crafting Comprehensive Website Functional Requirements: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Resistance to planning
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Shouldn’t my designers be doing this?
The website planning process outlined in my book can appear that it’s an all or nothing approach to planning. I indeed think the owners of the web property need to be heavily invested in the planning process and take the lead on a large portion of it. That view comes from many years of watching…